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The Painting on the Wall

# 327  on list of all songs

Listen to MP3 recorded soon after writing in January, 1978
Recorded another take December of that year in the Not Something Else group

See original scribbled draft

See the painting below

Landscape and Rothko by Willard Mike Dixon


Mike Dixon painting I think I bought from him in a 1966 art show/sale to benefit the purchase of Tassajara (maybe it was later)  - for $300. In his Cuke Audio Podcast he said that that's a Rothko painting in the painting. Later, in 1976 March or so, I moved in with Liz Tuomi in Bolinas. Her home was directly above where this painting depicts - Agate Beach - and directly above this part of it. In 1978 In 2023, the painting is still on the wall in the studio where Liz and I slept and did a lot of music for nine wonderful years. Her son Ethan Okamura lives there and took this photo. Ethan Okamura photography and music etc.



Now I sit in a swivel chair on this Tuesday afternoon

There is nothing natural here from Johnny Appleseed’s point of view

And I stare in my room in a lazy southern drawl

At the canvas and the oil that are the painting on the wall


Now my son has left a mess that almost rivals mine

There are magazines, toys, clothes, debris

Oh to this room’s horizon

Soon I will turn on KJAZ and sweep and clean it all

But for now I sit here gazing at the painting on the wall



Now Mike you been down on Agate Beach

With a paint brush in your eye

I’m glad nobody pulled it out

You sure got the reflection, refraction,

Low tide, soft light just right


Now Liz is out there playing with some Mozart on the keys

In an hour I could be there with her walking on that very beach

There where the artist once came to call

But instead I’ll spend the day here with the painting on the wall



Namun Aku duduk di kursi putar pada Selasa sore ini
Tidak ada yang alami di sini dari sudut pandang Johnny Appleseed
Dan aku menatap kamarku dengan aksen selatan yang malas
Di kanvas dan minyak yang menjadi lukisan di dinding

Namun anakku telah meninggalkan kekacauan yang hampir menyaingiku
Ada majalah, mainan, pakaian, puing-puing
Oh ke cakrawala ruangan ini
Sebentar lagi Aku akan menyalakan KJAZ dan menyapu dan membersihkan semuanya
Tapi untuk saat ini aku duduk di sini menatap lukisan di dinding

Namun Mike Kamu sudah turun di Pantai Batu Akik
Dengan kuas cat di matamu
Aku senang tidak ada yang mengeluarkannya
Kamu yakin mendapat pantulan, pembiasan,
Air surut, cahaya lembut tepat

Namun Liz ada di luar sana bermain dengan beberapa Mozart di tutsnya
Dalam satu jam Aku bisa berada di sana bersamanya berjalan di pantai itu
Di sana di mana tempat artis pernah datang untuk berkunjung
Tapi sebaliknya Aku akan menghabiskan hari di sini dengan lukisan di dinding


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